jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

Crazed sheep murder family in Lajas

LAJAS.- The sleepy town of Lajas awoke to a tragic Three Kings Day when a family of six was killed last night by a murderous mob of sheep near Parcelas Sorpréndeme, local authorities reported. The victims, identified as the González Tejera family, had owned the sheep farm since 2005. Neighbors caught wind of what was going on when they heard screaming and saw the farmhouse on fire. 

Sheep-farmer relations had rapidly deteriorated in the last weeks, and there were reports of a history of violence between the two. Juan González, 51, owner of the farm, was said to treat the sheep as slaves, keeping them locked up in a dirty pen all the time. Things got worse in the days preceding the tragedy when he had Ovis Merino, a would-be sheep union organizer, hanged drawn and quartered. When after that a group of sheep resisted to shearing attempts, he had threatened to have them all killed, a ram who would not reveal his name said. 

A Police spokesman reported the flashpoint for the massacre to be the alleged sighting of Juan González and his two eldest sons heading towards the pen with a gun and machetes. Allegedly, a group of young rams decided to take things into their own hands, goring the farmers to death and setting fire to the farmhouse where Jimena Tejera and the González Tejera sisters María, 6, and Teresa, 8, slept. 

Investigation into the incident is ongoing. The rams' attorney could not be immediately reached for comment.

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